Teeth Whitening From Your Dentist in Danforth Is Just A Call Away

A woman smiling as she types a review and rating on her phone

Do you avoid smiling around others? Are you worried people look at you differently because of your discoloured teeth? At Dental Care Group, we know what that’s like. After all, as dentists in Danforth, our job is to understand all of the different concerns you may have with the condition of your teeth – and the solutions available to keep you smiling, no matter the occasion.

How Teeth Whitening Works

Unlike over-the-counter whitening products, the product we offer is prescribed for your personal smile needs. We’ll tailor the ingredients and concentration to your individual concerns, so you don’t wind up with an unsatisfactory (or shocking) outcome. You’ll receive custom-fitted trays that fit snugly over your teeth and we’ll determine exactly how long and often you need to wear them for optimal results. The entire process – from start to finish – is monitored, ensuring there are zero surprises.

Teeth Whitening Is A Popular Cosmetic Dental Treatment

Teeth whitening with your trusted team at Dental Care Group is safe and effective. Many people just like you have chosen this cosmetic option to boost their confidence and give them the look they’ve been longing for.

If you’re interested in knowing more about how teeth whitening can help you smile with confidence, give us a call today! We’ll schedule a no-obligation consultation and answer any questions you may have. We want to make sure it’s right for you and that you’re comfortable with your options before saying “yes.”

Yours in excellent dental health,
Dr. Christina Binert, your dentist in East York